FUN Summer Dance Camps for kids ages 4-7! Four sessions available!
Audition registration is now open for our award-winning competition/convention team, or by private evaluation.
Conditioning, flexibility, extensions, turns, + jazz/contempo technique with Whylan Rucker + more! Age 8+
Join Jess Hendricks + more June 29-30 for a powerful weekend of contemporary, improv, modern, + choreo coaching with amazing faculty! $30 off by 6/1!
Our super popular jazz weekend perfects technique, leaps, turns, style, and more. Jazz it up July 13-14. Ages 8+ Get $30 off by 6/1! Click below for faculty + info:
Join the best master teachers in the industry! Contemporary, Jazz, Hip Hop, more, plus a NEW video project and scholarships! Aug 1-4. $30 Off by July 1
Get an immediate $50 credit posted to your account when you get a friend to enroll! If you don't mind the credit and just want to spread the word, please feel free to VOTE for us as Best Business - voting ends Feb 29
This challenging intensive is lead by Jess Hendricks, Lenorris Arnold, and Randall Flynnwho break boundaries, explore movement, and focus on nuance, intention, aesthetics via contempo/modern and improv techniques, and guided choreography creation. 6/29-30, 10a-230p. Age 8+
Registration for SUMMER is OPEN! Classes for all ages and levels in ballet, jazz, hip hop, more! Enjoy a free week trial!
Registration is OPEN for the 2024/2025 Dance Year! Classes for all ages and levels. Enjoy a free week trial!
New students are welcome to enjoy a FREE TRIAL WEEK to try as many as you like within a week! Registration required.
Summer Camps, Ballet Intensives, and more - see what's happening!
View our summer/fall dress code below, or you can also shop for TADA Merch!
Our Summer Camps are engaging, creative, and a little bit SILLY!
Who says learning can't be SUPER FUN???
ALL raffle proceeds go towards Interfaith of the Woodlands to support the wonderful work they do in our community! Prizes include a Giant Home for the Holidays Raffle Basket.
Check here regularly for schedule details & updates
AGE AND REQUIREMENTS: New to TADA dancers must be age 7 by October 1, 2024, have at least one year of ballet experience, and enrolled in at least one ballet class at TADA to participate. Returning TADA dancers must be age 6 by October 1, 2024, have at least one year of ballet experience, and enrolled in at least one ballet class at TADA to participate.
AUDITION: Saturday, August 24, 2024. Fee: $35/dancer, non-refundable. Register in your parent portal. Attire: Girls: Black leotard, pink tights & ballet shoes, hair in a bun. Boys: Black or white shirt with black tights/pants, black ballet shoes.
Before auditioning, please email the director Amy Leonards at for a packet of info which explains the cost and time commitments.